“I am a move of God!”

Words by Colonel Jostein Nielsen.

Last week God blessed us richly during the Officers’ Development Conference in Eastern Europe. The last time all officers in the territory took part in this kind of event was in 2013, so it was great to have an opportunity to meet in this way. Anointed by The holy spirit, our guests, Commissioners Heidi and Brad Bailey, shared from their knowledge, experience and hearts in a way that moved us all. The theme for the conference was related to our focus on momentum, and in one of the sessions Commissioner Brad shared this quote from William Booth: 

“I am not waiting for a move of God; I am a move of God!”

A vital part of the DNA of a disciple of Jesus is captured in this statement. God is the impulse, and a disciple moves on that impulse and becomes ‘a move of God’

Paul was very clear that his identity is in Christ, but also focused on the fact that Christ lived in him: 

… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Gal 2:20

During the conference last week, we used the song “We are Jesus in our time!” (1), which I wrote in 2014 together with Commissioner Dick Krommenhoek (2). The text tries to capture the mystery that you and I are his body in the world today and the radical conclusion is that we therefore become ‘Jesus’ in our time right where we are. 

On the day of Pentecost God moved in such a way that I do not need to wait for another move. When we have received The holy spirit, he lives in us and we can all say: 

‘Manna’ for today: 

I am a move of God!

(1) Jesus in our time

When Jesus comes to town and passes down my local street, 
Will my neighbours even notice the event?
Yet there’s an awesome mystery that all believers meet:
It is me, it is me he has sent!

Our Master has a strategy,quite radical, by far:We are ‘Jesus’ (3x) In our time, Where we are.

When Jesus takes the risk of using me and you today,
I can hardly understand it, but he dares!
Thank God, he’s also promised he will guide us on our way,
So I know, so I know that he cares.
Words by Colonel Jostein Nielsen.

When Jesus asks me to reveal his love for all to see,
Will my answer be reliable and true?
‘When I walk through your town’ he asks ‘wherever you may be,
Will they see, will they see me in you?’