What a wonderful Sessional Name – Messengers of Grace!
As you commence your Officership, our prayer for you is that throughout your life and ministry you will be known as people who share the message of God’s Grace. The world needs to hear this message today more than it ever has before.
In a world where it would seem that evil is often so strong, the message of God’s unconditional love and mercy shines through like a beacon in the darkest night. Our role is to ensure that all people – men, women, boys and girls, hear and experience the love of God.
As we look back over the past two years, we acknowledge that your training experience has been unique. When the pandemic hit, classes and Spiritual Days, worship and fellowship, all took place online. This of course was not what was planned and not what we had dreamed would be your experience but we would thank you for your patience and endurance as the IFOT staff found new ways to continue the training process in extremely challenging circumstances and prepare you for a life of service.
We would also thank the Training Principal, the IFOT staff and guest lecturers for the way in which the training program has been flexible and adapted to changing circumstances outside their control.
Finally, we would remind you that you are a Called People. God has placed His call in your heart and you have been obedient in answering His call. As He has called you, we are sure He will be with you. Stay close to Him and allow Him to direct your future.
As it states in 1Thess 5:2 “The one who calls you is faithful”
May you find challenges, opportunities and fulfilment beyond your dreams as you commence a lifetime of service, leadership and fellowship with God within the Salvation Army.
Colonels Kelvin & Cheralynne Pethybridge
Territorial Leaders
Eastern Europe Territory