Bulgaria Region, before official launch in their country, had an exciting event – presentation of “Called to be a Soldier” resource in Bulgarian language. It is important that Eastern Europe Territory has this resource available in all official languages now – Bulgarian, Georgian, Russian, Romanian and Ukrainian.
This resource provides an opportunity to review our relationship with God, a place in the Salvation Army, and an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to Him. These are fundamental aspects for the Salvationists to think about, to focus on and add to our daily routine for consideration.
Recent events in the world confirm that our world is interconnected, and therefore we must work and pray together to grow in our faith individually and as an international community.
‘Called to be a Soldier’ resource provides us with useful framework for reflection and helps us to understand how Salvation beliefs shape our actions. It also reinforces the belief that being a Salvation Army soldier is an extremely important calling.
May the Lord help us to grow in our faith!
Words by Ivan Berezkin
The Salvations Army
Eastern Europe Territory